易符初級系統 eForth Implementations, Version 1

eForth and Zen, C. H. Ting--zenforth.zip(125kb)

The primary documentation of the eForth model. Comparison of Forth and Zen, their similarities in historical development and in their strife towards simplicity and understanding.

8086 eForth Model, Bill Muench and C. H. Ting--eforth86v1.zip(35kb)

A small portable Forth system designed for microprocessors of the 90's. 31 machine dependent kernel words and 191 high level words. Separated code and name dictionaries. Source code is in Microsoft MASM assembly. Disk and eForth Implementation Guide.

8051 eForth, C. H. Ting--eforth51.zip(74kb)

A small ROM based Forth system for the popular Intel 8051/31 microcontroller. Source code is in Microsoft MASM assembly. Easily modifiable to suit specific ROM/RAM configurations. Source code on an IBM 5.25" disk. With 8051 eForth Implementation Note.

68000 eForth, Richard H. Haskell--68eforth.zip(101kb)

A 32-bit 68000 implementation of eForth for the Motorola ECB Board. Dr. Ting also contributed a file in that MASM is forced to produce code in the Motorola byte order.

32-Bit 8086 eForth, Rick VanNorman--eforth32.zip(126kb)

This is a 32 bit implementation of eForth for 80x8x family of processors. Much of the high level code are rewritten in assembly to improve the performance. The object code is generated by a Forth metacompiler (included), not from MASM source. Many other utilities are provided and are good eForth coding examples.

Z80 eForth, Ken Chen--z80efort.zip(74kb)

Ken Chen is a member of Taiwan FIG Chapter. He moved eForth to the popular Z80 processor with significant enhancement. It also contains a diagnostic program for eForth which allows the implementor to debug eForth during cold boot.

Subroutine Threaded eForth, R. H. Haskell--68se4th.zip(221kb)

Dr. Haskell recoded eForth using subroutine threading so that all high level words can be executed and tested as coded words. This disk includes 68000, 68HC11 and 8086 implementations with a host interface in F-PC.

68HC11 eForth, Karl Lunt--e4th6811.zip(88kb)

This eForth is based on a public domain 68HC11 assembler ASM11. The native assembler makes it easier for the user to extend the eForth and optimize the kernel for specific applications.

8098/96 eForth, Kezhong Ting--eforth98.zip(33kb)

This eForth for the Intel 8098/96 family of microcontroller is contributed by an author from Nanjing, People's Republic of China. Also includes a 8096 assembler written in FPC.

Pic17C42 eForth, C. H. Ting--eforth17.zip(159kb)

eForth for Microchip's 16-bit high performance microcontroller. Written in ASM17 assembler.

8051 and 68HC11 eForth, W. Schemmert--e4th8051.zip(63kb)

Opitmized eForth for 8051 and 68HC11, written in native UCASM assemblers. Most of the documentation is in German. Supplied with EFTERM terminal emulator.

Transputer eForth, Bob Barr--transpef.zip(87kb)

eForth for Inmos 32-bit transputers. This is an experimental implementation not yet tested on a Transputer system. Volunteers are welcome to put this system to the test.

MIPS eForth, C. H. Ting--eforthmp.zip(38kb)

eForth implemented for MIPS microprocessors in Silicon Graphics Workstation. Use a small C loader and call I/O routines in C library.

H8 eForth, Bernie Mentink--eforthh8.zip(33kb)

Mentink of New Zealand contributed this eForth for H8/532 from Hitachi. H8 is very powerful. It has on-chip counter/timers, 3 PWM, 10-bit A/D, 65 I/O pins, 1Kb ram 32 Kb OTP ROM, 20 MHz crystal.

7810 eForth, John Talbert--eforth78.zip(25kb)

John Talbert at Oberlin Observatory contributed this for NEC78C10. 7810 has 3 8-bit I/O ports, 8-bit A/d, serial I/O, 256 bytes of RAM and 10 16-bit registers. Another powerful Japanese microcontroller.

56002 eForth, Dave Taliaferro--eforth56.zip(268kb)

First working version of eForth for Motorola 56002 DSP chip. Include Motorola 56000 Assembler and the assembler manual.

68HC16 eForth, Pete Zawasky--eforth16.zip(152kb)

A direct threaded eForth assembled with Motorola ToolWare M68HC16 Assembler and used on M68HC16EVB board.

Java eForth, Michael Losh--eforthjv.zip(28kb)

Java implementation of eForth for Java Virtual Machine. Token threaded, word addressing, accessed through a console-style Java applet. Opened in a browser like Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

PowePC eForth, C. H. Ting--efppc.zip(126kb)

A tool program running under MPW on PowerPC Macintosh. NEXT is a branch-through-link-register machine instruction and the Forth virtual engine is very fast.